Submission to the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) Consultation

ASFI welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Indigenous Procurement Policy consultation review.

ASFI is committed to elevating First Nations' voices in all aspects of our work, which informs our approach to evaluating the proposed IPP reforms. Our comments are intended to contribute insights that resonate with our overarching vision of fostering inclusivity, sustainable development, and economic self-determination for First Nations communities. Government procurement historically, and to this day, is an important lever to enhance economic participation in the Indigenous economy. However, other areas require attention and reform to ensure that procurement policy is as effective as possible. There is a need for a broader consideration to address foundational barriers, including accessing appropriate and timely capital and enhanced business support services to First Nations businesses. We aim to address these foundational challenges through our recommendations, ensuring that the IPP reforms enhance participation rates and empower First Nations businesses to thrive and grow.

This commitment guides our submission as we seek to ensure that the IPP reforms are aligned with the broader goals of facilitating meaningful pathways for First Nations businesses.


2023 Annual Report


Submission to AASB Consultation on Exposure Draft ED SR1