Australian Sustainable Finance Roadmap

The health, sustainability and stability of our economy is inextricably linked with the health, sustainability and stability of our people, society and the natural systems on which we all depend.

For Australia to continue to prosper in the 21st century we need to realign the systems that underpin our economy to support human well-being, social equity and our environment.

Australia has demonstrated its commitment through ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as long-standing commitments to uphold UN human rights obligations and other relevant international conventions.

To deliver on these commitments while meeting the expectations of Australians now and into the future, we need a financial system that is aligned to these commitments.

Globally, momentum is building to better align finance with our sustainable development needs. Countries and regions around the world are setting out Sustainable Finance Roadmaps that provide pathways and policy signals and set frameworks to enable the finance sector to contribute more systematically to the transition to a more resilient and sustainable economy, consistent with these global goals.

Our work is modelled on the work and progress internationally to align the finance sector with the goals of a resilient and sustainable economy, including the European Union’s High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance and the UK’s Green Finance Taskforce.

Download the assets

Download the Full Report.

Download the Executive Summary.

Download the Australian Sustainable Finance Roadmap recommendations.

Download the Australian Sustainable Finance Roadmap recommendations – summary.

Download the timeframes for implementation of the recommendations.

Download the Action Plan.

Download the Media Release.

Download the presentation for the Roadmap launch.

Watch the Launch

In November 2020, the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI) (now the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute) – comprising major banks, insurers, super funds, civil society, academia and others released its Roadmap, setting out a bold plan to reshape Australia’s financial system to support a thriving Australian society, a healthy environment and a strong and prosperous economy.

The Roadmap sets out 37 recommendations that will be required to be delivered across the financial services sector, together with regulators and governments, to strengthen Australia’s financial system with the aim of recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 and delivering a transition to a net zero, resource efficient and inclusive economy.