Joint Industry Statement: Delivering healthy, comfortable and energy smart homes for Australians

Today, leading Australian banks and other financial institutions joined with ASFI, the Energy Efficiency Council, and peak property industry bodies to release a Joint Statement urging state, territory and federal governments to act decisively to deliver healthy, comfortable and energy smart homes for Australians. 

Ahead of the Treasurer’s Investor Roundtable, the finance sector is calling for common-sense regulatory reform to help unlock finance for home upgrades. This includes a single national rating framework for existing homes, mandatory disclosure of energy performance, and measures to improve the energy performance of rental dwellings. 

These are no-regrets policies that will help achieve Australia’s net zero targets while making our homes healthier and more comfortable and lowering energy bills. They should be the first step in a package of policies and programs that also includes direct support for low-income and vulnerable households. 

Download the Joint Statement.

Download the media release.


Government to back ASFI-led Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy


Broad consensus for Australia’s sustainable finance taxonomy