Australian Framing Paper: Designing Australia’s sustainable finance taxonomy – Final Paper

This report provides recommendations on the core design elements for an Australian taxonomy. Through a public consultation process that helped inform the report

ASFI was pleased to receive strong stakeholder engagement during our public consultation, which included multiple webinars and briefings as well 56 written responses to our open survey received from key stakeholders across the finance sector, industry, civil society, not for profit and real economy actors. We thank everyone who engaged in the consultation process.  

ASFI’s public consultation found that there is broad consensus on the key design elements of an Australian taxonomy, including significant consensus that scientific credibility should underpin the development of the taxonomy, whilst ensuring that it is usable. 

Consultations also confirmed strong support for the inclusion of a transition category. In the draft paper released for consultation, ASFI put forward several methodologies for defining this category. While the consultation process did not reveal strong preference for any particular methodology, the input received will be used in further design and consultation for taxonomy development.

You can find the full report here.


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